one more jew trying to transcend narrowness


A Watershed

A few months ago, I had a breakthrough on a long-standing quandary - what step to take next in my professional career. In a synthesis of my interests & loves - wine, food, travel, artistic expression & spirituality - I have embarked on a journey as a wine writer. My struggle is to incorporate the spirituality piece into a field which is alternately dominated by hyper-rationalism and hedonism. There is a side to wine and food which transcends the mundane - much like music can capture shared experience in a way that defies explanation - which I want to capture in my writing.

I say struggle because the language of spirituality is so loaded and such a turn-off for so many people. The challenge is to capture the essence of what I mean to say while engaging folks that don't ordinarily think of themselves as spiritual beings.

Sharing good food and good wine is one of the ways we commune with each other and with the universe, very literally in the latter case. As we eat and drink, Jewish tradition makes us mindful of the source of our nourishment - brings forth bread from the earth, fruit from the vine, etc. The awareness of how we depend on the world has at its core a deep sense of ecology as well as capturing the essence of the current drive for slow food.

This is all to say that, in an effort to find this language and voice, I've started blogging separately on wine and food. You can find it at Drink Eat Love. Enjoy!

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