one more jew trying to transcend narrowness


New Beginnings

Part of what has been heavy on my mind these last few weeks has been a longing for community, a sense that wholeness would come again by connecting with a group of folks with whom I could share celebrations and jewish practice, as well as connect with on a personal level.

The idea had been gestating in my heart for some time and in my mind for some time more. With the help of a few amazing folks, Dor Hadash was launched last week. We had an amazing Shabbat Potluck (a bit light on the Kabbalat, since there weren't any siddurim!) with 25 amazing folks. It felt like both an act of Teshuvah and Tikkun - turning back on a missed deed and healing a little corner of the world. The joy in the room was palpable. Thanks to all involved.

Also, I know I'm behind on a post or two - forgive me. I'll hopefully write more this coming week.

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