one more jew trying to transcend narrowness


This weekend

I had a fairly "Jewish" weekend...

Saturday, we held an intimate Torah study at our house. The more we observe Shabbos, the better it feels and the more I look forward to it. The Parsha, Terumah (with a cool commentary), provided a really beautiful discussion about how we create sacred space. As I was thinking more about this, I thought of Heschel's concept of Shabbat as the sacred architecture of time. Where other religions (and human belief systems) give significance to certain physical sites, our holiest "site" is not a place at all, but rather a 25 hour period we inhabit every week. Like other holy sites, it requires upkeep, but that upkeep is the most internal kind.

On Sunday, I went to the first class in the Oral Torah class a number of us at BT are taking with Garry. The more I learn about Torah, the more it feels right to study it. The commandment is to study Torah for its own sake, and that makes sense to me - it feels right. It also means a few more books!!!

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