one more jew trying to transcend narrowness


Meditation Log - timing is everything

The last couple of mornings have been too early to carve out an extra 30 minutes. I sat last night instead, and it's a different energy. The yogi in India had stressed that the best time to meditate is at sunrise. If not then, sunset. Sit at midday only if you didn't have any other choice. Before practicing myself, I thought this was some overly mystical hoo-haa that wasn't connected to practical experience. It turns out there are fairly pragmatic reasons for it.

Early enough in the morning here in the city, you get a peace you don't get the rest of the day. There is a certain energy to the dawn that is invigorating but not boisterous. Even on weekends, when I sleep in a bit before sitting, late morning has lost that feel. But it's not just a "feel," it's the neighbors up and about, the traffic crescendoing, and the general buzz of life on the sidewalk.

Last night was the second or third time I had sat at night at home. Yes, it was quieter than mid-day, but it's a winding down quiet. A different tempo to my thoughts.

Off to bed now, so I can be up early tomorrow!

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